Philip has just won a resounding victory over Macedonia's most bitter rival, King Bardylis of Illyria. Now the stage is set for Philip to consolidate his recent gains. Philip arranged five marriages in the next three years, these were primarily diplomatic acts.
Macedonia had a long running conflict with Athens, and to secure his coastline, he attacked the city of Amphipolis, and took it by storm. He was unusually merciful in his victory though, which added to his reputation.
Philip's growing power was starting to unnerve his neighbors, and a triple alliance formed against him with Lyppeius, Grabus, and Centriporis being the leaders. Philip sent Parmenio to deal with the Illyrian's.
The king himself marched south and took the city of Potidea. This also the time when Alexander the Great was born.
After he took the city of Potidea, Philip and Macedonia was drawn into the Third Sacred War, and the city-state of Phokis became Philip's next target. Eventually, the Macedonian's met the Phokian's in the field at the Battle of Crocus Field, one of the largest battles in ancient Greece, where Philip was victorious.
Philip was in a strong position after the war, and he imposed peace on the belligerents. This set him up to become the strongest player in Greece.